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Literary Writer


Born in: Romania


BA: AL. I. Cuza University, Iasi

MA: Salisbury University, MD

​PhD: Binghamton University

Works at: South Texas College, McAllen


First Book: The Fall of Literary Theory, BrownWalker Press

​Other Publications: Short stories and academic articles


​Second Book (Nov. 2024): Whirl of Birds short story collection, Finishing Line Press


Praise from Kirkus Review

Andreasen’s collection of short stories presents fantastical characters with relatable troubles.

The opening story “My Big Man” follows an unnamed, cave-dwelling character from adolescence through puberty and into motherhood, before a descent into chaos, establishing the author’s unique voice. Readers witness her trading her “big man” (her father) for her “man” (mate), and later grieving the loss of her childhood and her baby, who’s the indirect victim of an extended famine. In just a handful of pages, Andreasen sketches a relatable life, reeling readers in with familiarity and warmth, and then snapping them back into reality with a gentle reminder that the narrator would later be known as a “Neander-Thal”: “I can tell death even from a distance,” she thinks to herself while drawing readers close as witnesses to her end. Andreasen’s intimate storytelling carries through 17 more stories.

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The Fall of Literary Theory,
BrownWalker Press 2017

Excerpt from ABR review, by Roxana Patras:

"Inextricably linked to a bad habit — that is, judging ourselves and others as fallen, unworthy and essentially guilty beings — the theme of the fall, but also, strictly connected to it, the theme of degradation and generalized corruption have always been converted, notes the author, into political purposes and energies: “The issue is this: the self and the Other must find ways to end the judgment of each other’s (and their own) identities for allegedly being..."

Video presentation from the author author

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